Stay up to date on commentary related specifically to US markets.

What You Need to Know About Asset Allocation (With Sebastien Page)

Liz Ann Sonders interviews Sebastien Page, chief investment officer at T. Rowe Price, about asset allocation and the state of the markets.

Declaring Independence From the U.S.

Dollar strength resulting from central banks' independent policies on rate cuts is unlikely to be tampered by China's deflation or geopolitics.

Family Affair: A Look at Sector Trends

While major indexes have seemingly been calm this year, there are notable and stealthy sector leadership shifts that have happened under the surface.

With Stubborn Inflation, What Should the Fed's Target Be? (With David Beckworth)

Kathy Jones interviews economist David Beckworth about the potential role of nominal GDP as an alternate target for the Fed.

What's It Like to Be a Financial Journalist? (With Dion Rabouin)

Wall Street Journal reporter Dion Rabouin discusses his process for analyzing what's happening in the markets.

Is the Market Still Climbing the Wall of Worry? (With Dr. Ed Yardeni)

Dr. Ed Yardeni sits down with Liz Ann to discuss the current economic cycle and the challenges ahead in the markets this year.

The Fed Leaves Rates Unchanged: Our Analysis

Liz Ann Sonders and Kathy Jones analyze the latest signals from the Fed.

Sector Views: Our Stock Sector Outlook

Kevin Gordon discusses Schwab's analysis of the 11 sectors that make up the S&P 500.

What Matters in Residential Real Estate (With Dolly and Jenny Lenz)

Liz Ann Sonders discusses the state of the real estate market with famed agents Dolly Lenz and Jenny Lenz.

How Do Muni Bond Credit Ratings Work?

Kathy Jones and Cooper Howard interview Jane Ridley from S&P Global about how municipal bonds are rated.