Stay up to date on commentary related specifically to US markets.

Party in the USA: Election Facts

Historically, staying invested has been, in our view, an effective strategy and one to consider when it comes to election years and beyond.

Under-the-Surface Employment Indicators to Watch (With Doug Ramsey)

Liz Ann Sonders interviews Doug Ramsey of the Leuthold Group about the state of the economy and the markets.

Panic Is Not a Strategy—Nor Is Greed

Panic is never a good investment strategy—nor is greed. Here's how disciplined investing helps navigate through volatile environments.

Before the Rate Cut, Our View of the Markets

Now that the yield curve has uninverted, what can we expect from the markets as we approach next week's Fed meeting?

Federal Reserve: On the Road Again

While the pace of Federal Reserve cuts is in question, all roads lead to lower interest rates.

Focus on Labor: The History & Importance of Employment Data

Liz Ann Sonders and Kathy Jones explain why different employment metrics are vital to understanding the health of the economy.

Songs of Experience: Reminiscences of a Strategist

It's been 38 years since I began my career on Wall Street and the lessons I learned along the way from some all-time investment greats always hold true.

Recent Market Volatility & the Role of Fixed Income

Kathy Jones interviews Matt Hastings about the challenges of managing fixed income portfolios.

Bond Market: Shaken, Not Stirred

Bond prices whipsawed over the past month as volatility spiked across markets. What's next for fixed income markets?

Uncertainty or Optimism: A Unique Economic Cycle (With Ed Hyman)

Liz Ann Sonders interviews the legendary Ed Hyman about the current economic cycle and its unique characteristics.