Personal Finance | First Published July 12, 2020

Financial Decoder: Season 5 Episode 3

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Should You Roll Over Your Old 401(k)?

If you’ve left a job recently, what are your options for your old 401(k)?

Leaving a job can be difficult, but understanding what to do with the 401(k) you leave behind shouldn’t add to the difficulty. In this episode, Mark Riepe explores the options available to you if you’ve left your employer but still have a 401(k).

Mark Riepe talks with Nathan Voris, senior managing director at Schwab Retirement Plan Services. They discuss the advantages of various options, such as an IRA rollover, an indirect rollover, and doing nothing. In some cases, it might make sense to roll your 401(k) over to your new employer’s plan, but how do you evaluate two different plans to see which is right for you? Mark and Nathan walk you through the details.

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Financial Decoder is an original podcast from Charles Schwab.

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