Government Policy

Understand how policy decisions coming out of Washington may impact financial markets and your investments.

Party in the USA: Election Facts

Historically, staying invested has been, in our view, an effective strategy and one to consider when it comes to election years and beyond.

Under-the-Surface Employment Indicators to Watch (With Doug Ramsey)

Liz Ann Sonders interviews Doug Ramsey of the Leuthold Group about the state of the economy and the markets.

2024 Elections: Big Bark, Little Bite

Policy, more likely to be dictated by economic circumstances, may not resemble generous populist proposals, which could limit their impact on stock markets.

Before the Rate Cut, Our View of the Markets

Now that the yield curve has uninverted, what can we expect from the markets as we approach next week's Fed meeting?

Federal Reserve: On the Road Again

While the pace of Federal Reserve cuts is in question, all roads lead to lower interest rates.

Rate Cuts Support a Brighter 2025

Given the backdrop of monetary policy stimulus, the global economy is poised for growth and international stocks for continued leadership.

Focus on Labor: The History & Importance of Employment Data

Liz Ann Sonders and Kathy Jones explain why different employment metrics are vital to understanding the health of the economy.

Recent Market Volatility & the Role of Fixed Income

Kathy Jones interviews Matt Hastings about the challenges of managing fixed income portfolios.

What Past Fed Rate Cycles Can Tell Us

Looking back at the 14 Fed rate cycles since 1929, certain patterns emerge. Still, investors instead need to examine what factors are driving the Fed now.

Carry Trade Unwind: Is It Really Over?

Having been warned about the risk, investors now ask if the yen carry trade unwind is complete. Here's how far it might still go.