Asset Allocation

Spreading your investments across different asset classes is a strategy for balancing risk and return in your portfolio. Learn how you can select a mix of stocks, bonds, and cash that aligns with your risk profile.

Stock Sectors: What Are They? How Are They Used?

Here are key facts to know about equity sectors—what they are, what they do, and how stock sectors can be used in investing.

What's Your Risk Capacity?

It's not how much risk you can stomach that counts—it's how much time you have left to save.

What You Need to Know About Asset Allocation (With Sebastien Page)

Liz Ann Sonders interviews Sebastien Page, chief investment officer at T. Rowe Price, about asset allocation and the state of the markets.

Using Tactical Allocation Tilts During Volatile Markets

How to implement tactical allocation tilts based on short-term market expectations.

What's in Your Portfolio? The Role of Various Asset Classes

Stocks, bonds, commodities, and other asset classes each play a unique role in your portfolio.