Market Volatility

Find guidance on how to respond to short-term volatility or longer market downturns.

Is China Investable Again?

Should China deliver sufficient stimulus to break the cycle of tightening fiscal policy, we may find China, and emerging markets, investable again.

2024 Elections: Big Bark, Little Bite

Policy, more likely to be dictated by economic circumstances, may not resemble generous populist proposals, which could limit their impact on stock markets.

Panic Is Not a Strategy—Nor Is Greed

Panic is never a good investment strategy—nor is greed. Here's how disciplined investing helps navigate through volatile environments.

Recent Market Volatility & the Role of Fixed Income

Kathy Jones interviews Matt Hastings about the challenges of managing fixed income portfolios.

Carry Trade Unwind: Is It Really Over?

Having been warned about the risk, investors now ask if the yen carry trade unwind is complete. Here's how far it might still go.

Trade War 2.0: Should Investors Prepare?

Potential for another trade war fueled by a rise in global protectionist policies has investors revisiting the potential impact on stocks, inflation, and economic growth.

Q2 Surprises and What Could Surprise in Q3

Discover what surprised markets in the second quarter of 2024 and understand the potential drivers of volatility for the third quarter.

How Much "Tech" Do You Own?

Owning only the U.S. stock market likely means being overweight Tech. But Tech stocks don't always outperform. Investors may want to look outside the U.S. to be diversified.

Emerging Market Contrasts: China and India

The two largest emerging markets have taken very different paths, echoing the divergence in the economic and demographic landscape for these two countries.

Earnings Season May Bring Changes

Earnings growth, a driver of long-term stock market performance, seems to be expanding beyond a handful of U.S. equities, supporting more broad-based market performance.